Monday, May 18, 2009

DSI Tests 2 Collaborative Design Planning Application

Testing Collaborative Design Planning Application, Canvas Application and 3D animation

Currently conducting some more usability tests on the collaborative design planning application, a small drawing canvas application, and a 3D animation.

Tests showed that the size of interactive graphics such as the buttons and frames of the storyboard will need to be scaled up. The drawing application will have to be considered or tested with a stylus pen. The occlusion of graphics scaling over other items is also an issue. More tests in relation to the 3D design section will be carried out. Here are here some images illustrating how the interface is developing. Also below is a video demonstrating usability testing.

Below is a video of the usability tests.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

DSI Test with Tracker/Demo/My App

I have tested my DSI Multi-touch Table with the latest release of CCV - Community Core Vision(formally known as tbeta). Once the table was calibrated with CCV, I then tested some demo application and the first version of my collaborative design planning application. There are some issues which I will have to resolve such as latency, also more consideration in relation to the legibility of typography on screen and occlusion. I will carry out much more user testing to identify other issues. Below is a small video showing my tests on the DSI MT table.

Early Interface Template above

Download Community Core Vision -

Friday, May 1, 2009

DSI Multi-touch Table Built

Finally my Multi-touch table has been built. It is circular as I think it will support the collaborative process more effectively. For example a four sided conventional table limits and restricts where people should be located at a table. Also I wanted enough space on the table for people to place items such as pen and paper, phone, cups etc.

Here are some photos of the multi-touch meeting table taken in the lab. More photos can also be seen on my flickr -