Monday, April 27, 2009


Here is a project which is very applicable for my research. They have carried out extensive research into collaboration using tabletops. Here I have found many interesting publications, applications which they have developed and the findings from their research studies. Below is a video which illustrate how multi-touch table tops and interactive tangible can support group meetings.

About the ShareIT Project

The interdisciplinary ShareIT project, funded by the UK's EPSRC (2007-2010), is investigating how a new generation of shareable technologies, that are designed specifically for more than one person to use at a time, can enable groups to collaborate more effectively - be it learning maths, planning seating allocation, conducting financial forecasting or socialising. The technologies include gesture-based wall displays, multi-touch tabletops and interactive tangibles.

shareIT website link -

A short video outlining a study into the benefits of tabletop collaboration

HealthVault & Amalga on Surface

Here is a great example of collaboration on a Microsoft surface.

Healthvault & Amalga intergrated on Microsoft Surface - A very impressive application where patient and physician collaborate. The application supports the consultation process where the physician and patient can directly interact with patient data such as x-rays, videos of ultra-sounds, The physician can bring up a 3D model of the patient. Whilst directly interacting the 3D model the physician can show specific information such as the heart or circulation for example. The physician can also drop data into the patients healthvault where they can view the information later such as at home. This application can greatly benefit both health care professional and their patients.

Video Link -

Monday, April 20, 2009

Meeting with Research Partners

Last weekend I met with research partners Emedia at their offices in Galway. Here we discussed storyboards showing the interface and interaction design for the collaborative design planning application. I then setup the Multi-touch hardware for them to test while I did some observational research. They tested some demo applications such as a photo and annotation application. Meeting with research partners Emedia has been very beneficial as their skills in the area of multimedia development has been very insightful and applicable to the development of my Multi-touch application. Here is an image from our meeting at Emedia offices.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

New DSI Multi-touch Table

A new Multi-touch Meeting table is currently being developed. Last week I received the Endlighten Acrylic from professional plastics. I also received the diffuser which is a Lee Filter 225 Natural Density Frost. This filter is used for projection and touch surfaces, The material is good as it is less susceptible to dirt and the surface is smoother for interaction. Here are images from the construction of the new table. More images can be view on my Flickr -

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Papvervision 3D, Flash, Flex Tutorials

I am currently learning Papervision3D and Flex as they will primarily be the development tools I will use for the collaborative design planning application. I am looking at how to implement Papervision3D within Flex using an ActionScript project. I have also looked at exporting 3D models from C4d as collada(.dae) files. The collada files are supported by flash as a 3D model is specified as an XML file which contains the properties of the model.

Therefore I have been looking at

1. Developing 3D models files in Cinema 4D

2. Exporting them as Collada - .dae files

3. Implementing Papervision3D within Flex a actionscript project.

4. Getting Papervision3D to load in the collada .dae files

5. Applying Multi-touch interactivity to the 3D objects

I have found several useful tutorials online. Here are links to the tutorials - - Papervison Tutorials

- Papervision 3D Core Training
- Advanced Materials
Effects, Filters & Modifiers
- Animation
- Exercises:
- Random Tips & Info:
- Swift 3D Support:

Flex / Actionscript development tutorials that shows you how to use the Papervision 3D engine to create 3D Flash effects such as changing materials on 3D models
Flash Multi-touch Tutorials

- Building Your First Multi-touch Application
- Demo ready to go examples
- Flash forum

- Importing Cinema4D model into Papervision 3D